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About Me

Double Bassist | Conductor | Musician | Educator

Lee Man Hon Marco was born in Hong Kong. He studied double bass since he was 12 years old. He entered the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts in 2017 to study with Mr Zong Xiaoqian, the former principal of the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra. While studying at the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, Lee participated in performances with the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra and the Hong Kong Sinfonietta. In 2018, he was honoured to be selected to perform at the Koninklijk Concertgebouworkest of the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra in Amsterdam and studied and performed with Mr Dominic Seldis, the principal double-bassist of the orchestra.


After graduating from the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts in 2021, Lee won the ABRSM Scholarship and went to the Royal Academy of Music to enrol in the Master of Music program, majoring in double bass and minoring in conducting. Lee followed Prof. Graham Mitchell, the current dean of the string department of the Royal Academy of Music, Prof. Dominic Seldis, the principal double-bassist of Koninklijk Concertgebouworkest, and Tom Goodman, the double-bassist of the London Symphony Orchestra, and completed the master's program in 2023. During his stay in the UK, Lee played in the London Symphony Orchestra, Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, Scottish Chamber Orchestra, and London Philharmonic Orchestra, and won the first runner-up in the 2021 London Symphony Orchestra Concerto Competition. He has studied with many musicians in different orchestras, including those from the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra, Singapore Philharmonic Orchestra, and BBC Radio Philharmonic Orchestra.

Lee Man Hon Marco is currently a double bass player in Hong Kong and an educator.

李文瀚生於香港,12 歲起學習低音大提琴,並於 2017 年入讀香港演藝學院本科跟隨前香港管弦樂團首席宗小謙先生進修。就讀香港演藝學院期間,李氏先後參與學院與香港管弦樂團及香港小交響樂團的演出。他在 2018 年有幸被挑選到阿姆斯特丹皇家音樂廳管弦樂團 Koninklijk Concertgebouworkest 演出,並與樂團首席 Dominic Seldis 先生學習及演出。


李氏於2021年從香港演藝學院畢業後,獲得了 ABRSM Scholarship 前往英國皇家音樂學院入讀音樂碩士課程,主修低音大提琴,以及副修指揮。李氏跟隨英國皇家音樂學院現任弦樂系主任 Prof. Graham Mitchell、Koninklijk Concertgebouworkest 低音大提琴首席 Prof. Dominic Seldis,以及 London Symphony Orchestra 低音大提琴手 Tom Goodman 進行碩士研修,並於2023 年完成碩士課程。李氏於英國期間曾在 London Symphony Orchestra, Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, Scottish Chamber Orchestra, London Philharmonic Orchestra進行實習, 並於2021年的London Symphony Orchestra 協奏曲大賽獲得亞軍 。他曾經與多位在不同樂團的樂手進行研修,當中包括來自柏林愛樂樂團、新加坡管弦樂團、BBC 廣播愛樂樂團的樂手。



Marco Lee Man Hon - Double Bassist in Hong Kong
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